I hate halloween
There I said it, I hate the costumes, the masks, the candy, the cold, the waste of money and time on decorations and all that other stuff..
And yet I have this little girlie dressed as a butterfly wanting to trick-or-treat
So I thank the lord for my parents who still LOVE that stuff, they take her out and spoil her rotten while I work at the bar handing out free shots and socializing. (I got a job with a marketing company, think a Jaeger girl only with different liquor, last night it was Malibu Black)
I didn't dress up, didn't buy a costume, I wore my usual black on black on black (okay so maybe shopping while depressed isn't the best option but it keeps me looking thin)
So my daughter went trick-or-treating, now I'm the one trying not to pack on the pounds from this pumpkin of Halloween candy...